This is the blog specially created for the Comenius project called H.U.G.E.S. Here there are the 5EUROPEAN schools working together in this challenger adventure: 1- The Coordinator school: LAUDIO BHI from The Basque Country (Spain) 2.- COLLÉGE DE TERRE SAINTE from La Réunion Island (France) 3.- AGRUPAMENTO VERTICAL DE ESCOLAS E JARDINS DE INFANCIA do Concelho da Chamusca (Portugal) 4.-NORGARDENSKOLAN, Uddevalla (Sweden) 5.- FAZEKAS MIHÁLY FÓVAROSI GYAKORLÓ ÁLTALÁNOS Iskola és Gimnázium Budapest (Hungary)
Friday, 3 February 2012
You can listen to the radio program in this link here.
Some students from Laudio BHI in the
company of their teacher and Coordinator of our project, visited the
local Radio Station " Radio LLodio", belonging to the Spanish "Cadena
Ser" Group, where they talked about our COMENIUS proyect and about the
experience they had when they travelled to Réunion Island last December.
The really bad weather that we were suffering during the begining of Febreary 2012, was not an impediment to take us to the Radio Station.
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