This is the blog specially created for the Comenius project called H.U.G.E.S. Here there are the 5 EUROPEAN schools working together in this challenger adventure:
1- The Coordinator school: LAUDIO BHI from The Basque Country (Spain)
2.- COLLÉGE DE TERRE SAINTE from La Réunion Island (France)
4.-NORGARDENSKOLAN, Uddevalla (Sweden)
5.- FAZEKAS MIHÁLY FÓVAROSI GYAKORLÓ ÁLTALÁNOS Iskola és Gimnázium Budapest (Hungary)

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Hungarian experiences in Portugal

Here you can see us on the airplane. It was David’s first flight. We were flying for almost 4 hours. We had a great time and quite good food on the plane.
On Monday some students showed us around the school. There is a recreation room for the students who have some free time. For example they can play table tennis and table football there. There is a stationer’s inside the school.  We think it would be cool to have a stationery and a recreation room in our school as well. On the school grounds there is a little lake and some palm trees. Aren’t they lovely?
In the afternoon we went on a sightseeing tour around Chamusca. It’s a small town. We were honoured to have the opportunity to visit the Town Hall and to be received by the mayor himself.  We are grateful for this opportunity.
We aldso visited a tower. The view was beautiful from upstairs. An interesting thing is that almost every house is white because of the weather.
On the white houses there are stripes in various colours. The colour of the types talks about the influence of rich families in Chamusca. The colours represent the family under whose influence the owners of the house belonged.
We also added  some other pictures taken of Chamusca, this lovely small town. 

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