This is the blog specially created for the Comenius project called H.U.G.E.S. Here there are the 5 EUROPEAN schools working together in this challenger adventure:
1- The Coordinator school: LAUDIO BHI from The Basque Country (Spain)
2.- COLLÉGE DE TERRE SAINTE from La Réunion Island (France)
4.-NORGARDENSKOLAN, Uddevalla (Sweden)
5.- FAZEKAS MIHÁLY FÓVAROSI GYAKORLÓ ÁLTALÁNOS Iskola és Gimnázium Budapest (Hungary)

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Comenius week in Sweden May 2012

The week here in Sweden with all the comenius students was amazing !!! All students from Sweden miss our friends so much, we had so much fun and everyone loved the week! Before the students came it was bad weather but when they came it was sunny and warm all days of the week, when they went back to their countries the weather here in Sweden got bad. So now we want you back ! Everyone got many new friends and some fell in love….. hihi.. The week was one of the best weeks ever in our lives! We miss and love you guys so much! Hugs and kisses from Alice, Grynna & Arvid!!!
We thought it was a really succesful week. We had a lot of fun, and learned to know many nice people, not only people from Sweden. It's interesting to get to know other cultures, and it did show us that we have many things in common and also that we are different. We have got many memories that we will remember for our whole life, and new friends of course from all different countries in the world. It was really sad to say good bye, because we did get so tight to each other and we felt like a big family. We didn't just hang out in the school, we did also hang out in spare time, we did things like having bbq, go to Liseberg and had a movie night. No we look back at the week and miss everybody and hope that we could meet them again. :) we miss you guys very much, and hopefully we can meet again! :) Sanna och Clara
This Comenius week was the best week in our lives. Everybody got new friends from other countries and everybody miss them very much. It was very fun up on the Herrestads forest and lakes there we met everybody for the first time and it was very fun! The bus trip was also very fun because everybody got to see our beautiful natur. David, David and Daniel
It was really fun when they were here! We learned a lot for example new words, differences between the countries and about the environment. We got really close to each other. We also learned more about Sweden and other countries! We became one big family. It was really nice weather all the time and that was really good!! We were really happy when they said they liked Sweden! And to say goodbye was not good : (Olivia, Unni, Frida and Ronja. We think that the week in Sweden was very fun and we have learned a lot of things. We have gotten many new friends and memories. We have also discovered new places in Sweden, and we have seen how beautiful it actually is. The communication was difficult in the beginning but after a while we learned how to make it work and we helped each other. It has been an amazing week with beautiful weather! The funniest things we did were when we were at Hafsten and Liseberg! We did very many funny things together there and we laughed very much, we got to know each other better and everybody spoke to each other! This week has been an instructive week with many laughs and memories! In the end, it was very sad to watch them leave and we hope that we’ll meet them again. / Emelie Hansson, Frida Niklasson och Alicia Larsson
We thought the week was veeeeery good! It was very fun to meet people from other countries and get to know them, especially when we did fun activities together. We got to know very many new people, both from Sweden and the other countries. The good weather also made it even more perfect and we went to the ocean and swam. Most of the students wern´t shy and they wern´t afraid to talk, and that was very good because then you get to know them even better! We will never forget this trip!! /Paulina Thorsell and Julia Magnusson Björk This week was the best I ever had in school. It was very fun to make new friends and contact. When the Comenius people came to Sweden the weather got really nice, but when you left the weather got rainy and bad… We really liked being host family. The bus trip and all the other things we did went very well, and it was fun to… We miss you all and hope we could meet again  Bye bye Erik L Thorsson Erik af Geijerstam

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Besök av utländska elever på Norgårdenskolan - Uddevalla kommun

Besök av utländska elever på Norgårdenskolan - Uddevalla kommun
Besök av utländska elever på Norgårdenskolan Elever från Baskien Elever från Baskien Under veckan har Norgårdenskolan besök av 24 elever från våra Comeniusländer (Baskien, Portugal, Ungern och Reunion). Eleverna kommer att bo i värdfamiljer under veckan. Eleverna har även med sig två lärare från respektive land. Under veckan kommer eleverna att medverka på lektionerna på Norgårdenskolan. Utflykter är inbokade till Unda, Herrestadsfjället samt en båttur med M/S Gustafsberg. En busstur genom Bohuslän och besök på Innovatum i Trollhättan. ­ Ett bra tillfälle att visa upp Uddevalla och Bohuslän, säger Helen Hibell, koordinator för projektet på Norgårdenskolan.
- För våra elever och världfamiljer är detta ett bra tillfälle att få träna upp sin engelska. Det knyter också samman föräldrarna när dom ställer upp som världfamiljer, då våra gäster följer med sina värdfamiljer under deras aktiviteter, säger Helena. Under veckan kommer vissa uppdrag att utföras som sedan ska dokumenteras och redovisas. Uppgiften handlar om miljö och energi där eleverna får göra efterforskningar om förbrukning och samla in information, identifiera problem och att hitta lösningar för att förbättra situationen på våra skolor.
Comeniusprojektet är ett EU-projekt där Norgårdenskolan är en av de skolor som deltar under åren 2011-2013. Under projektets gång står man värd för minst ett comeniusmöte i det egna landet. Nästa comeniusmöte är i Portugal i oktober, Ungern i februari och avslutningsmöte i Spanien under maj månad 2013. Det är det tredje projektet inom EU som Norgårdenskolan deltar i. Vid frågor kontakta: Helena Hibell (koordinator för projektet)
huges-comenius.wikispaces.comlänk till annan webbplats huges-comenius.blogspot.selänk till annan webbplats Baskien - ett område i norra Spanien. Reunion - fransk koloni (en ö) som ligger i Indiska oceanen mellan Madagaskar och Mauritius. Lärare vid Krokestugan Lärare vid Krokestugan Kanotpaddling på Herrestadsfjälet var mycket uppskattat Kanotpaddling på Herrestadsfjälet var mycket uppskattat José Marie, koordinator i Baskien och Alexe från Reunion Iceland bakar kanelbullar under hemkunskapslektion
José Marie, koordinator i Baskien och Alexe från Reunion Iceland bakar kanelbullar under hemkunskapslektion